November 13, 2012

The rise in popularity?

Recently, BFDI Episode 1 reached its 2,000,000th view.

That was a huge jump from 1,000,000 views just within 2 months ago.

According to the stats and analytics of the episode:
There was an exponential jump that started at around July 2012.

And just less than half a year later, the views roughly sextupled (6x).

Further into the topic, I've found that it was a video called "Animated rube Goldberg contraption" that contributed to well over 100,000 views. That video has over 4,000,000 views. And probably had BFDI in its tag or suggested videos bar.

Ciao, and keep supporting the show, it's the best invention of youtube i've seen!

Graph of each episode's number of views (as of 13 Nov 2012)


  1. OMG Coolio! I never realized how big the difference in views was between BFDI 1 and the others!

    Anyway, according to video anayltics, 52% of views come from mobile devices and unknown sources (which is higher than usual, I think - strange) and 39% come from suggested videos. That means only 9% come from subscriptions, searches, the YouTube home page, external websites, and our jacknjellify channel page combined!

  2. I finally meet the president of BFDI! On this very blog!

  3. OMG COOLIO I just found Cary Huang!!!!!!
